Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Banana Coconut Poppy Seed Ice Cream Pie + My First Time Experience with Wheatgrass & Coconut Wheatgrass Detox Smoothie (3 recipes)!

banana coconut poppy seed ice cream pie
banana coconut ice cream pie
piece of the pie
    banana coconut pie
banana coconut ice cream pie
banana coconut poppy seed pie
banana coconut poppy seed pie sideview

On Earth Day, I made a banana coconut poppy seed ice cream/pie. I added poppy seeds in the pie and the ice cream. You can add poppy seeds to almost anything;
dressings, puddings, cheesecakes, ice cream, cakes, pies, and other baked goods! This pie is made with wholesome, all raw ingredients that are great for you and your body. It contains vitamins, minerals, proteins and super foods to nourish your body! If you like bananas and coconut, you will most certainly like this pie. 

Get Bananazas & Coconutty! 
coconut poppy seed banana ice cream pie
inside open pie
banana coconut poppy seed ice cream pies

This is banana-zas! Yes, I make up words. This turned out very well; I was 

The ice cream is basically made with frozen bananas and coconut, plus natural sweeteners like dates, raisins and coconut nectar. If you have over-riped or riped bananas, go and freeze them NOW! The best way to avoid throwing away over ripe bananas is to freeze them. I suggest you do this because frozen bananas = ice cream! I froze about five bananas that were over ripe, which meant I had leftover ice cream! 

I love raw ice creams! 

frozen bananas and coconut
banana coconut poppy seed ice cream
pie piece
coconut banana poppy seed pie
biten pie
sliced pie

Anyways, the crust is nut-free, and it's delicious! It's made with raw oats, flax meal, hemp seeds, cacao, dates, and raisins. To me, it tastes as if I added figs! I didn't add any (although, it would have been really awesome if I did!), but maybe next time I will. This pie is perfect for summer, while enjoying it under the warm sun. It's so refreshing and I absolutely love this ice cream pie. I shared this pie with my dad, and he loved it too! In case you missed it in my other posts, my dad is my number one taste tester! He is honest with me, so he'll tell me if my recipes are okay or epic. He asked me if I added carrots inside the pie crust because it tastes as if I did add some. I didn't add any, but if I did - it would've been a great addition to carrot cake, though. I am very happy at how this pie turned out. It came out nice and firm. Just the way I imagined and wanted it. 

I love when my vision comes to life! 
pie slice
banana coconut pie

Last Monday, my dad & I tried wheatgrass for the first time ever. We've been wanting to try wheatgrass since last year, and now we FINALLY did! And the funny part of it all is that we tried it on Earth Day! We made a coconut wheatgrass smoothie. It was a beautiful green colour, and the taste was good. Too bad I didn't take any photos of the smoothie, but at least I got pictures of the pie and ice cream! That's all that matters to me, anyways. 


Wheatgrass provides amazing health benefits, especially in the process of detoxification. It does a great job at that. Wheatgrass is great for repairing your red blood cells, detoxifying your lymph glands, high in chlorophyll levels, helps with weight loss, and so much more! Most raw vegans (and most people in general) may not find the taste very appealing. Some find the taste sour and bitter, while others find it interesting. To me, I find it to be intense! Of course, if I added it to my smoothies or juices, I'll sweeten it up with fruits. It takes some getting used to (just like anything new you try really if you don't like it). A perfect example: At first, I didn't really like tofu, but now I love it - even when its plain with no seasonings. I find tofu to my liking of epicness. 

Here are all three recipes! Hope you enjoy them all!!!
fresh coconut banana poppy seed pie
cut banana coconut poppy seed ice cream pie

Earth Day Banana Coconut Poppy Seed Pie:
makes one pie - serves about 8 
1 1/2 cup raw rolled oats (preferably 2 cups)
1 tbsp cacao powder, optional
6 tablespoons flax meal
1 cup raisins
8-10 pitted dates

Ice Cream Filling:
3-5 frozen bananas, peeled of course! 
Meat of one young coconut
1 cup pitted dates
1/4 cup raisins
3 tablespoons coconut nectar
1 teaspoon poppy seeds
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon melted coconut oil

To make the Crust: place all ingredients in your food processor and process until a dough. It should stick. If not, add more dates & raisins. Form a crust at the bottom of a pie pan. Set aside.

To make the Ice Cream: place all ingredients in your blender, and blend until creamy & smooth. TASTE & see if you like it. Add more or less of sweetener if needed. Pour the ice cream onto the crust in the pie pan. Place in the freezer for 3 hours, or until firm. I suggest thawing it out the freezer for 15 minutes. Feel free to garnish it with additional hemp & poppy seeds. Serve and enjoy! I really hope you enjoy this as much as I did! =) <3
banana coconut poppy seed ice cream pie collage
frozen banana coconut poppy seed ice cream pie

banana coconut poppy seed ice cream pie sliced & inside
pie banana coconut poppy seed

* The third recipe would be the ice cream of course! You don't have to use the ice cream as a filling (only for this recipe you do, though), you can simply eat it like ice cream; soft serve, or place it in a bowl and store in the freezer, stirring every 30 minutes. I had leftover ice cream, so I just ate it soft serve and garnished it with poppy and hemp seeds. You can do that too if you like. Enjoy!

banana coconut poppy and hemp ice cream
coconut banana ice cream
banana ice cream

(sorry... no pictures because I forgot too take pictures. It was an avocado colour. Just imagine blending beautifully ripe avocados... it turns into a thick, cream smoothly!)

Detox Coconut Wheatgrass Smoothie:
Serves 1-2

Heaping two handfuls of wheatgrass
Meat & water from one Thai young coconut (feel free to add another one)

Crack open your coconut. Pour the water in your blender and scoop out the meat and place it in your blender too. Blend until creamy and smooth. Pour, drink, sip, enjoy! Your either gonna like it or hate it. :P it smells just like it tastes. Just saying. If you don't like the taste and wish it was sweeter, just add dates, coconut nectar, bananas or raisins. I must warn you though, wheatgrass is intense, but knowing it is so good for you makes it so much easier to drink. Hope that tip helps.... ><

Happy {Very Belated} Earth Day!!! <3
wheatgrass juice

To learn about the health benefits of wheatgrass, what it is and even how to grow your own wheatgrass - watch this video! It's very informative!

~ Wheatgrass is great for red blood cells
~ Great to detoxify your lymph glands (it removes any junk you may have stuck, especially from all the dairy threw out the years. Yuck!) 
~ High in chlororphyll (notice in the image above, the light green level in the glass. do you see it? that's the chlorophyll level in the juice - from the wheatgrass! read my post on the health benefits of chlorophyll here
~ High in fiber
~ Makes a great elixir
~ Has a bitter, intense taste! I warned you. 
~ And so much more! Just watch the video (from the provided link above) and also, click on the wheatgrass clickable links in the post).

packaged wheatgrass

FYI - this is wheatgrass, not grass! 

Questions Of The Day:
I know it's not Earth Day anymore, but I can still ask these questions: Did you enjoy something green on Earth Day? Did you eat your greens? What did you eat on Earth Day? Do you like bananas? Do you like coconuts? Who else loves raw ice creams like me? Have you ever tried wheatgrass? Who else likes to eat their bananas when they are less brown? Who likes to eat their bananas over ripe? If so, did you love, like or hate it? Sharing is caring! ;) 

you want a slice?! ;) notice the beautiful garnishing on top of the pie. you see the beautiful purple color? the purple little seeds are poppy seeds. the white little seeds are hemp seeds. in which are amazing! 
sliced banana coconut poppy seed pie


  1. That ice cream pie looks great!! Great information about wheatgrass, too. :-)

  2. Your pie sounds delicious! Love the banana ice cream and the addition of the poppyseeds :)!

    1. Thanks so much! ;) Appreciate the comment! =) <3


  3. Earth day totally passed me by, but I try to eat something green everyday, so I probably had something green on earthday.
    Your dad is one lucky guy, having a daughter that concocts such beautiful foods! That pie looks amazing!

    1. Great! Yes, he's very lucky ;) Thank you so much! X

  4. Soo many good things in this post! Love it! I love to make banana ice cream, and I usually make it into chocolate ice cream with raw cocoa! The filling in this pie sounds amazing.
    Happy weekend to you :D

    1. Thanks ;) I have yet to try raw chocolate ice cream... But I bet it tastes amazing! <3

      Happy weekend to you, too! =)

  5. LOVE your banana cake! Mmhmmmm mouth watering. Thank you lovely for your inspiration!!!! Love all your recipes :D

    1. Thank you SO MUCH!! <3 What a lovely comment! :) Haha, this pie IS mouth watering ;) I'm super happy you sisters LOVE all my recipes:D Hope you enjoy whatever recipes you decide to try out. =)



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