Monday, April 29, 2013

The Dangers of Drinking Cow Milk & Where Do Vegans Get Calcium

the truth about milk

Milk, milk, milk. Oh, typical milk. "Drink your milk! It's healthy for you, kids"!

cow milk

As a child, we are taught and brainwashed to think (Mother's especially, who are only being influenced by the media) that we need milk because it is healthy; it promotes strong, healthy bones and prevents osteoporosis. We hear it almost everywhere: the media, magazines, books, movies, commercials, doctors, parents, teachers, nurses, family members, and friends. They're all trapped into the Dairy Industry Lie: milk is great for bone strength and to prevent osteoporosis. Actually, milk weakens your bones. Not surprising to me, though.

Milk Is Toxic! 
toxic cow milk

The truth of the matter is, dairy milk is NOT healthy; as they make it seem. I'd never understood that until I became a vegan. My dad knew the dangers of milk, and we used to use the organic milk with no hormones and antibiotics. But what we didn't know was that dairy milk isn't REALLY HEALTHY.

cows on grass

What's Milk & What's It Made Out Of?
Dairy (cow) milk comes from cows (obviously). In other words,
an animal. "Okay, so what am I trying to say", you may ask? Cows are being mistreated in a very bad way. The conditions in the factory farms are disgusting and very disturbing. Unfortunately, cows don't live a happy life. The poor cows are being pumped with antibiotics, hormones, dirty bacteria and other toxic chemicals to help keep them alive in their disgusting factory farms. Otherwise, if they didn't have all these drugs in them, sadly they'd die immediately because the conditions are so poor, dirty and gross. Cows aren't even treated in a humane way. They are being treated like dirt. They don't even feed them the right food. So technically, the milk you're drinking isn't from a happy, healthy animal. This is a very serious post, people.

If you don't believe me when I say animals are being treated cruelly, then I highly suggest you watch Earthlings & Food, Inc. It might change your point of view and way of thinking at animal abuse. Beware to be alarmed, though! The two movies document what happens in reality - not fake life. So they aren't made up or anything. The events in the docs show what happens to actual animals in real life! It is saddening... but it happens every day in the typically, sick factory farms. There are a lot of great documentaries that talk, show and really get deep in exposing the TRUTH on what happens to poor animals in factory farms. I'll just leave you with these two docs. =(

mother cow and baby cow

cows in a cage

cow bleeding

cow getting dragged

ever wonder why cows looked huge in their milking area? hmm... hormones. the poor cow can barely walk in the picture. =(
cow breast hormones

While the animals are alive, they experience stress, fear and pain that cause diseases in their bodies. Yes, just like humans. Stress is the number one cause of disease. So, all that goes into your milk, AND your body! Animals have feelings too, you know. In order to be a being, you must have a heart, a digestive system, eyes, mouth, taste, senses, feelings - and animals have just that. Plants, however, do not have a digestive system, a heart, feelings - so it's okay to eat plants. You see what I'm trying to say.

Now on the other hand, animals aren't "just animals". No. They are more then that. Animals have their own personality, and they're just like one of us... in a furry form, though. Just give them their respect, and they'll respect you back. Talk about their own personality. Anyway, hopefully you get what I'm trying to say here. The hormones in the milk can lead to early puberty in kids. Ever wonder why kids are growing up and developing so fast? Maybe it's the hormones presented not just in dairy, but in meat, too (it's the foods that they eat, of course! it's NO good on the body! and it shows from the inside and out!). I definitely do not want the sadness, pain, drugs and all the agony that animals went threw in my food and in my milk. Would you like that in your milk? All that affects with your mood, the way you think AND act. Eating and using animals as a resource to live life is not meant for human survival at all!

what do you want in your milk? did you know that milk contains the following:
what's in your milk

what you may not know may hurt you. 
Sounds yum??? EWW NO!!! YUCK! ><
got pus
the pus presented in cow milk is the reason why most people get cysts, swollen and enlarged lymph glands. have you ever noticed a bump on someone's body? unfortunately, my mother has one on her wrist, and has pus in her lymph glands (in her throat). that's called a cysts. the cysts is usually filled with a white coloured cream (eww... all the diary milk that you consumed in your life. it's catching up to you now by popping out of nowhere!), and is very painful to remove. Thank goodness I don't have one. 

On many dairy labelings, the manufacture's make it seem as if the animals lived a happy, healthy life. They don't tell you the secret behind the animals suffering, do they? No, of course not. The animals went threw a lot before being packaged and entered into your supermarkets. It's just sad. 

farmland cow logos

happy cow logo

horizon organics logo

milk myth carton

The Milk Myth
You're probably a witness of hearing, or being told that milk is great for building strong bones. Maybe because of the protein and calcium it contains. Okay, but maybe you didn't know that it's a myth that milk will give you strong bones. Like I said above, milk actually weakens your bones
rather then strengthening them. If you drank dairy milk from the day you were born up until your an adult, then over time, your bones will slowly weaken, leading up to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition in which your bones become weak and break easily. No, osteoporosis isn't caused by the lack of milk you drink. It's caused by the EXCESSIVE AMOUNT of milk and dairy you eat and drink. Your bones will only get thinner and thinner. By the time you know it, sadly you've got osteoporosis that could've been easily avoided.

this is what will occur if you choose to drink dairy milk
healthy bones vs osteoporosis

It's no surprise that milk causes all sorts of serious health problems. From cancer, to diabetes, to kidney stones, to osteoporosis (which we already established), to enlarged lymph glands and pus, to weight gain - oh boy. The list goes on and on. Extra protein is no good; as it can cause kidney problems in adults, as well! I'm not joking, people. This is serious stuff. It's funny because there's NUMEROUS of studies that show and prove that milk IS the cause to osteoporosis, many serious health problems, and it does not protect against bone strength. You can't beat the facts. If you were to do a Google search on the dangers of drinking cow milk, you'll discover the TRUE FACTS, and its ugly, dark secret about dairy milk.

do you get the photo below? the cow is drinking drugs in the orange tube, and pumping out milk (in the right) into milk cartons. so, that's what you end up drinking. can someone say, "YUCK"!
cow in gas station

this is what will happen to your lymph glands if you choose to drink dairy milk. one word: PUS!
swollen lymph glands

Okay, so even if you don't care that the cows were treated like dirt, I would at least hope that you care about your own body (and your health). If your attitude is not for the cows - then at least do it for the sake of YOUR HEALTH and your FAMILY'S HEALTH! If you want to learn more about the TRUE FACTS about milk and what it does to your body, I highly suggest reading The China Study. Its a great book.

this picture explains the corruptness of the Dairy Industry. They know that people actually believe in the 'milk & protein myth', which is why they are laughing at us in the photo. the picture is funny, but yet, so true. 
dairy industry lie card
holstein's cow milk letter

the more you think about think cartoon pic

So, the question is: why do we (humans) drink milk anyways? Mainly for vitamin D, calcium and protein, right? 

Well, here's a little summary: 

Vitamin D: We should really only get this from the sun. And no, the sun does not cause cancer! That's another myth right there. Expose your skin to the beautiful sun! Don't be afraid. The sun wasn't put here on earth to give people cancer. 

Calcium: Milk is very acidic (disease can only live in a body that is at an acidic state), and our bodies require an alkaline environment (disease cannot live in a alkalized body). We actually stop the acidity with calcium. Our bodies can't absorb calcium from milk anyways, so our bodies have to LEECH CALCIUM FROM OUR BONES! Which means, over time, milk will thin your bones. It doesn't strengthen them! It will only get thinner and thinner and thinner! I'm not trying to scare you (If I am, oh well) but these are true, real facts that I believe everyone should know about. 
So, now you're probably wondering, "where do you get your calcium from, since you don't get it from animal products"? Well, calcium is naturally found in broccoli, kale, other greens and plant foods. The calcium found in those foods are very-absorbable, and will strengthen your bones. 

Proteins: This is the famous one. It seems as if this is carnivore's favorite question to ask vegans, "where do you get your proteins". This question actually makes me laugh every time. I find this question very hilarious because there are numerous of resources where us vegans get our proteins from. We get them from kale, spinach, other greens, brown rice, beans, hemp seeds (they are a complete protein, by the way!), peanut butter, bananas, other fruits - the list goes on and on. 
Have you ever heard of protein deficiency? Maybe not because it rarely develops as a severe condition. It's not as serious as vitamin deficiencies, though. It's known as the "Protein Myth". The truth is, we don't need protein to survive. If you don't exercise, then you don't really need to worry about eating proteins. We especially don't need ANY source of protein that comes from animals. We do, however, need good protein. And by good protein, I mean protein that comes naturally from fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. We need those good proteins, just like we need those good fats. It's a comparison that makes perfect sense. Can you dig it? 
But you don't have to worry about this whole protein stuff unless of course, you're a bodybuilder and exercise and want muscles, which in that case, I recommend getting your proteins naturally from tofu, hemp seeds, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Plants are the number one source for protein. You bet you heard me right. There are so many natural foods from Mother Nature that are great in calcium. Take a look at the picture below. 

foods that contain calcium

no dairy milk

What happens when you eat too much protein? You become huge, bloated look, too much muscles, etc. There are side affects on intaking too much protein. Just do a google search for yourself and you'll see the photos. 

So, where do vegans get their calcium? How do you think vegans have strong bones and muscles if they don't eat or dink milk and intake protein from animals? Look at me for example. I'm flexing my vegan muscles. And I don't eat animal protein, & I don't drink cow milk. What'cha gotta say now? I'm vegan strong!
Miliany Bonet flexing muscles

Milk was never intended for human consumption, in the first place. Any milk that comes from an animal is simply not healthy! Okay, just think about it: WHY ARE WE (HUMANS) DRINKING THE MILK OF ANOTHER SPECIES? Do you see dogs suckling milk from a pig or a horse's tit? No, because that would be wrong for one, and that wouldn't make any sense now would it? See my point? Allow yourself to be open-minded to the truth, and nothing but the truth!

this picture is very funny, but it's also real life, too. some people actually think this way, and would say this, too. 
it's natural to drink cow milk cartoon photo

Would you go to a cow and drink its milk straight from its tits? Would you go up down to a cow (or animal) and do this? Of course not...Then why do you drink milk?
guy drinking cow milk

child drinking cow milk straight from cow tit

Cows milk is for cowsNOT humans! It's very abnormal for humans to drink cow milk. Think of it like this - would cows go up to you and drink milk straight from YOUR tits? Would a cow come up to you and start milking you if it could? No, right... because that would be very wrong, silly and would not make any sense. It's silly to think that humans need to drink milk from another species. Okay, I know we are humans who like creamy fats... BUT there's seriously no excuse to get our fats from animals.

even the cows are telling us that we should drink human milk. See... 
drink humin milk - cows

Now, which picture looks more normal to you?

this one:             
abnormal woman drinking cow milk

 or this one: I would hope you picked the second one (the lamb, not the human). it's more natural for animals to drink animal milk. But for humans to drink animal milk, that's just plain silliness and wrong in many ways! 
baby cow drinking mothers cow milk 

heathy & unhealthy milk cartons

There are a lot of way better, non-dairy milk alternatives to dairy milk. Try hemp/almond/soy/coconut/rice/brazil/cashew milk. Yes, nut milk! Believe it or not, it's MUCH MORE healthier, and tastier than dairy milk. Plus, it contains more calcium than dairy milk! I am proud to say that I don't drink milk from another species, and I don't get pus. And you can be proud like me, too. All dairy is nasty. I feel sick to my stomach at just looking at the photos.

whats in your milk carton
poison milk carton

Honestly to me, the milk mustache stuff isn't even cool. The media (like the 'got milk' commercial especially) makes it seem as if it's cool to get a mustache from milk. who care's about the milk mustache, anyways. I know I don't. I never understood that when I used to drink milk. 
kids with milk mustache


The worst beverage a pregnant woman can drink is dairy milk. Poor babies. 
babies who drink milk early fact

~ 75% of the word's population is lactose-intolerant? Hmm... that means, shows and says something. Humans aren't supposed to be drinking dairy milk! 

lactose intolerant guy  
~ The number one cause to osteoporosis is the consumption of milk (as I mentioned above already)!

~ Americans over-dose on their protein. We only need a 10% of protein. That's like 10 pennies in a cup! 

~ Protein is naturally found in your hair, nails and skin!

~ Your body can't store protein! So you can probably imagine what would happen if you intake too much. Serious, sometimes fatal health benefits (a.k.a side effects) can occur. :}

~ *This fact is disturbing* It's impossible (nobody was and isn't able to do it) to chug down cow milk within an hour. Your body won't be able to digest it. Instead, you'll throw it right up. So, instead of the milk staying down, it'll come right back up. I never tried this stupid idea, but I've heard/read/learned/seen that it's impossible to chug down milk without it coming back up. Talk about barfing. Everyone who tried doing it, they always throw up. Okay, I know. This fact is the most disturbing one out of all eight. I told you so. :P But hey, it's a fact on dairy milk - so I mentioned it. 

~ Meat and dairy cause cancer! Watch this video if you don't believe me. 

~ Almond milk has 50% more calcium than dairy milk! Drink nut milk, not cow milk! 
Drink nut milk!
almond milk

NOT Cow Milk! 
say no to milk

Say No to Cow Milk, and say Yes to Nut Milk! 

say no to milk carton

I hope you like this post. This is filled with useful information - so feel free to share/tweet/email this post. This may enlighten most people to avoid drinking and eating dairy products. You can do a Google search on the dangers of diary milk, and you'll find NUMEROUS of studies that show (as I linked above) that provide accurate answers to diary. The studies clearly show that all diary milk is dangerous and unhealthy. Milk is the most disgusting beverage out there. Most people are allergic to milk, anyways. I never understood that as a child, but now - I completely understand why. Milk is simply gross.  

I also suggest watching documentaries such as Food, Inc and Earthlings. Of course, there are so much more great documentaries that you can watch, but I suggest watching those two documentaires (as linked above).

I highly suggest watching this documentary. This was actually my first documentary I watched before I chose to go vegan. This movie opened my eyes more on animal abuse. 
food inc doc cover

Secondly, I recommend watching this documentary. This was my second documentary that I watched before going vegan. You can watch "Earthlings" full movie here for free on their site! 

earthlings doc cover

unhealthy milk in a glass

Do you like this post? Did you find the following information above helpful? Have you ever watched Earthlings and/or Food, Inc? If so, what do you think of it? What do you think about this whole dairy talk? Please let me know, and share your thoughts kindly in the comments below. :) 

Stay tuned for a Banana Coconut Poppy Seed Ice Cream Pie Recipe!

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info, hun. Much appreciated :)


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