Saturday, June 8, 2013

{My Weekly Diet Diary 1} What A Raw Vegan Teen Eats In A Week + Tips For Newbies Wanting To Try Raw Foods

my diet eats collage

Recently, a reader asked me if I could do a post on what I eat in a week as a raw vegan. I thought that was a great idea and it would really benefit those who are thinking into trying raw foods. So today's post is all about what I eat in a week as a raw vegan. Those who want to start eating raw foods and are looking for meal plans, this post is perfect for you! In this post, I'll share with you my tips and tricks on how to start a raw foods diet and ideas on what to eat in a day and in a week. 

fresh raw fruits & veggies

What I eat in a week varies. I try to make my food exciting and delicious each week as much as possible. If I really loved and enjoyed a specific meal, then chances are, I am most likely going to eat that same meal again the next day. That's just the way I am. What I eat in my diet is pretty simple and easy. I do not believe in counting calories, so I will not provide this in my meal diary below. What I eat in my diet all depends on my exercise that day and what I feel like eating that day. 

raw fresh juices Please keep in mind, we are all different. Some may like a certain meal, while others do not. Do not stress yourself if you find that you're not doing something right or not going 100% raw. Do not worry. Do not stress. Don't be so hard on yourself. Try not to be too strict on yourself when you first start off, either. The worst thing you can do is consume meat, dairy and other animal products. Just stay focused and you'll be fine. It's also okay if you find yourself eating cooked foods along the way. I'm also going to share with you one of my favorite vegan cooked meals that I used to eat when I was a vegan. 

brown rice & kidney beans with a side of salad and peeled banana

Wondering and curious on what I eat in a week as a raw vegan, read my weekly diet diary below. So per request, my weekly diet diary is below! 

~ it's very important that you drink water threw out the day. About 3-11 liters, 8 cups a day. I love to add chia seeds in my water. Read the benefits here

glass of water

~ journal or blog (it you have one) your experiences and your eats! 

journal & pen

~ write down all your emotions in this journal. This is a journey that you want to jot down. that's what helped me when I went raw and vegan; I wrote down everything from what I ate, did that day and how I felt that day, etc. I suggest that for all newbies (and everyone, too). 

My Weekly Raw Vegan Diet Diary For A Week: 
SLEEP: It's very important that you get a good night's sleep. About 8-9 hours every night is great! If you don't get enough hours of sleep at night, take a 15 minute (or a bit longer) nap threw the day if it's necessary. Power naps are great, too. If you're having trouble sleeping at night, take my advice; it works for both adults and children. I tried this on myself and it works like a charm, believe it or not.  Tip for sleeping better at night: take a teaspoon of poppy seeds and eat it. Eat it with a glass of water to help dilute it. Poppy seeds are known to make you sleepy. Poppy seeds is a natural sleeping medicine. Read more about the health benefits of poppy seeds here! I encourage you to try this if you have trouble sleeping at night. See if it works for you! Another tip is, placing a leaf of lavender under your pillow. I've never tired this one, but I've heard that it helps you to sleep better at night, too. 

Wake up and drink 16 oz of warm water with fresh squeezed lemon juice. The health benefits are amazing! Read more here! I'll be writing a post about the benefits of water and lemon juice on my other blog soon! By drinking water and lemon juice is the perfect and most refreshing way to start your morning. You will feel great if you drink this every morning. 
Another thing, I eat tablespoons of coconut oil a day! Most of you may already know that extra virgin coconut oil is great. If not, read my about it here! I use Nutiva coconut oil! You should, too! 

nutiva coconut oil

coconut oil health benefits

the health benefits of drinking lemon water

TIP: When you wake up, you don't want to overload your body with food just yet. You want to give your body time to actually "wake up" too. That's why drinking water with lemon juice is so great in the morning. It cleanse your system and the health benefits are wonderful! Give your body about 15-30 minutes to "wake up". What happens if you overload your body with food immediately? Your body won't be able to digest your food properly. Your digestive system has to work harder in order to digest the food you just ate. I eat every 3 hours on average.
Breakfast (the most important meal of the day!): I always have a green smoothie (or a juice)!  Be sure to sip water through out the day! 
coconut dates almond kale green smoothie
Coconut Dates Almond Kale Smoothie
Lunch: Nori Rolls With Sprouts, Mango Garlic Dressing & Other Goodness + Tips On Mastering The Rolls

Nori Rolls With Sprouts, Mango Garlic Dressing
Snack: nut butter nectar filled dates  My absolute favorite snack ever! <3  
nut butter nectar filled dates

TIP: It's recommended that you eat sweets before dinner. Like sometimes, I eat my desserts first before dinner. 

Pre-Dinner Snack: a few dates! <3  

Dinner: a big bowl of epic salad 1 tbsp coconut oil. 
YUM! <3 
epic spring mix baby salad with creamy mango garlic dressing

Night {after dinner} snack: my desserts; raw brownies with a glass of almond milk! {this brownie recipe is in my 1st free e-book!}
raw marbled brownies

Good night! 

Wake up: my morning routine (written above) 
lemon water

coconut dates almond kale green smoothie

Remember to sip water threw out the day!

Lunch: nori rolls again! The thing I love about them is that, you can add in whatever you like; different varieties. 1 tbsp coconut oil. 
Nori Rolls With Sprouts, Mango Garlic Dressing

Snack: leftover brownies from Monday; enjoyed with a glass of almond milk. Ahhh, the best snack/dessert ever! <3 (yeah, i know. i say that often 'cause it's TRUE!) 1 tbsp coconut oil. 

raw marbled brownies with a glass of nut milk

Pre-Dinner Snack:
dates! The most perfect snack! Seriously. 

medjool dates

Dinner: veggie burger with my favorite cheddar cheese! So delicious!!! 
raw veggie burger with cheddar cheese

After Dinner Snack: brownies!!! <3 :) 
raw vegan marbled brownies with a glass of almond milk

Good night! 

Wake up to my usual morning routine to - warm lemon water! 
lemon water

Breakfast: epically sweet green kale smoothie. The best part of waking up is an epic juice in my glass! Do you agree?! 
sweet green smoothie

Lunch: leftover veggie burger from Tuesday. Told you I like to eat the same thing the next day if I really enjoyed it ;) 1 tbsp coconut oil. 

Snack: dates & raisins and 1 tbsp coconut oil
jumbo medjool dates

nutiva extra virgin coconut oil

Pre-Dinner Snack: super food covered banana
super food covered banana

raw vegan collard green wraps with cheddar cheese & noodles

Good Night! 
Woke up to my normal morning routine to - warm lemon water! 

lemon water

Breakfast: my usual green smoothie; the same smoothie from Wednesday. 
epic sweet green smoothie

Lunch/Snack: dates stuffed with cashew butter & bananas!   
sweet jumbo medjool dates


Dinner: same as Wednesday's dinner; collard green wraps! SO delicious and satisfying! Kept me full for the day! 
Wake up to my warm lemon juice water! Ahhh! So refreshing! 

lemon water

Breakfast: my banana cinnamon smoothie. YUM! 
banana cinnamon smoothie

Lunch: another smoothie! The same one I had for breakfast! So good. <3 
banana cinnamon smoothie

Pre-Dinner Snack: chocolate covered stuffed almond butter nectar dates! Recipe is exclusive! Download my e-book for the recipe!
chocolate covered almond nectar dates

Dinner: raw vegan pizza bites with cheddar cheese, spinach pesto & other goodies! Nom, nom, nom! I usually eat pizza on Friday's. It's a new raw tradition of mine. ;) <3 
raw vegan pizza with cheddar cheese, spinach pesto & toppings

Nighttime Snack: the chocolate covered almond butter nectar dates I made earlier. SO delicious!!! <3 I was in heaven!! You may, too ;) 
chocolate covered almond stuffed dates

that wraps up my night with food. 
Wake up to warm lemon juice water! 
lemon water

Breakfast:  changed it up a bit to - juice; my orange radiant juice! Always radiant & glowing with a jar of juice! ;) This jar of juice is shining! I can feel the LIVE energy! Seriously. Take a sip fro yourself (if you can.... :P) 
orange radiant juice

Lunch: another epic juice! the same one for breakfast!
orange radiant juices

Snack: dates!!
medjool dates

Dinner: raw tacos with walnut "meat" and cheddar cheese!
raw walnut taco meat

collard green wraps

raw cheddar cheese

Dessert: vegan tofu dates cheesecake
vegan tofu dates cheesecake
Wake up to my warm lemon water. 

lemon water

Breakfast: sweet green kale apple juice
green apple juice

Lunch: more juice! The same one for breakfast. I love that recipe! 
sweet green kale apple juice

Snack: dates! 

Dinner: same meal as yesterday's! So delicious!!! 

Dessert: a piece of leftover tofu dates cheesecake! Pure divineness! Just look at this pie! That's a picture perfect slice. 
tofu dates vegan cheesecake

The end! Hope you enjoyed my weekly diet dairy! Post a comment below. =) Xoxo
My Favorite Cooked Meal When I Was A Vegan:

brown rice and kidney beans with raw salad and a peeled banana
In the picture above, its rice and beans with a side of salad. This was my dad and I's favorite cooked vegan meal. In the picture, the rice and beans wasn't homemade. We got it from Eden's BPA-free cans. We served the rice and beans with a side of fresh raw salad with a peeled banana. It was so simple, easy and delicious!

Here's the recipe:
Brown Rice & Kidney Beans With A Side Of Raw Salas + A Banana:
serves 2 

Brown Rice & Kidney Beans:

Raw Salad:
fresh romaine lettuce 
1 heirloom tomato (we did half avocado each)
1 avocado (we did half avocado each)  

juice1 lemon 
1 capsule of apple cider vinegar
sea salt
all natural seasonings such as all purpose

for the rice & beans: open the can and pour it into your pan to cook. Cook on medium heat and cover if you like. Let it cook now until you make your salad. 

for the salad: wash the lettuce and pat dry clean with a clean napkin, and place it on the plates. Wash and cut your tomatoes and place them in your salad. Cut and peel your avocado and place it in your salad, as well. Add in your dressing and seasonings. Voila! 
Once the rice and beans are warm, serve it on your plate and enjoy! 

If you enjoyed this post and would like me to continue more of these posts, please let me know in the comments below. To learn more about what I eat in my diet, read my post here

Please don't hesitate to ask me ANY questions you may have! I'll be more then happy to answer them. Post your questions in the comments box below. If you would like to request a specific topic that you would like me to blog/video about (anything about this lifestyle; raw and vegan), please email me with any of your requests, suggestions and/or questions you may have. 

* read my post here, where i talk about "dieting" and "diets"!

Questions Of The Day:
Was this post helpful? Who else wakes up to warm lemon juice water? Do you like the idea that I share my day/weekly eats with you? let me know in the comments bow below. :)

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  1. I love these kind of posts, because I always find it so interesting to see what others are eating.
    Your food looks so lovely and healthy, just the way I like it too. And Im so happy Im not the only one eating raw healthy treats every day ;) Im so happy that we can do that and just feel good about it!
    Wish you a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you!! <3 Haha, that's the awesome thing about this lifestyle... you can eat raw desserts/treats everyday of you wanted and feel amazing afterwards! ;) Eat with absolutely no guilt, what so ever!! :)
      Wish you a wonderful weekend, as well! =)

  2. Wow wow wow! What a detailed post! I will definitely be adding chia seeds to my water after this...I usually only ever have them in smoothies! This was very interesting to learn about your diet, thanks Miliany :-)

    1. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! Yes, you should definitely start adding chia seeds to your water... you'll love it! Glad you found learning about my diet interesting! :) And you are VERY welcome, Koko! =) <3

  3. that looks like a really delicious week! I always start my day with lemon water as well :)

    1. Thanks! It's the best way to start your day! :)

  4. I love seeing what others eat! And I also love drinking lemon water right after waking up. Thanks for the post!

  5. Thank you so much for doing this! It has made me so excited to go raw vegan!! :D

    1. Thank you, Samantha!! I'm so happy to hear that this post has made you excited about going raw vegan! :D

  6. You are such a bright young lady!! I'm starting a 4 week vegan cleanse tomorrow and I found this post SO helpful!! I am loving the orange juice, banana smoothie, nori wraps and cheese cake!! Thanks for this, I'm excited!!

    1. Thank you, Tawny!! ;) Good for you on starting a 4 week vegan cleanse. I'm so happy to hear that you found this post SO helpful!! More posts like this are coming. Hope you try the recipe above.

      All the best,
      Miliany :)

  7. Thank you so much for this! I want to try a week as a raw vegan (just a regular vegan right now lol) and this looks amazing. Thanks!

    1. Thank you! I'm happy this post has inspired you to go vegan!

  8. This was so interesting and helpful! I want to try raw vegan for a day but I'm concerned about not getting enough calories or protein. Also, I heard raisins are not raw? And I was wondering about uncooked oats as used in overnight oat recipes where they simply soak up the liquid overnight...Another question, is "raw" tofu a raw food? Thank you so much for your help! Oh and for the experimental day I was thinking oatmeal with almonds and berries for breakfast if uncooked oats are acceptable, apple for snack, salad with tomatoes, almond, peppers, etc and vinegar for lunch, raw sushi for dinner (nori, cauliflower rice, avocado, cucumber, carrots), banana nicecream, broccoli, and larabar for snack options. Any thoughts?

    1. Thank you! To feel the awesome effects and benefits of this lifestyle, going raw vegan for a day will not be much of a benefit. Is it just you who's going raw vegan or do you also have family/friends who are interested in joining this lifestyle? The calories and protein should be the least to your concern. You'll get your calories and protein from fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, so no need to worry about not getting enough.

      Depending on how the raisins were dried, it may or may not be raw. I don't recommend using oats, here's why:
      but if you do, the oats do soak up the liquid, which is why dehydrating the oats would be preferred. You can replace oats with sprouted raw buckwheat groats. No, tofu is not a raw food.

      I would make a few adjustments if I were you to your raw food menu. Here's what I suggest, adjust according to your preference:
      Breakfast: a juice
      Lunch: a smoothie
      Snacking: fresh fruit(s) or banana nicecream. I don't recommend the larabars because they're owned by Monsanto (GMO).
      Dinner: Salad (greens, tomato, avocado, cucumber, carrots, broccoli, and any other greens you like)

      Hope this helps and sorry for the late response. Thank you!
      All the best to you,

    2. Here's the link to the post on why I don't recommend grains and wheat (oats are a grain):

  9. I might be just misunderstanding you. You said that you use canned beans and rice that you heat up? That conflicts with what I thought raw meant. Don't foods have to be retained at less than 104˚ to be considered raw? Do you mind explaining? The Nori looks delicious I think I'm going to make that tonight for dinner :D Thanks!!!


    1. Hi Riley,

      Yes, I used canned beans and rice from Eden (their cans are BPA-free: and heated it up. This recipe was from when I first transitioned to a vegan diet. I posted the rice and beans recipe (not raw, but vegan) for those who want to enjoy cooked foods in their diet, and it was a requested vegan recipe by my readers. That vegan dish was not included in my weekly eats, as I no longer consume cooked foods. I did say in the post, "It's also okay if you find yourself eating cooked foods along the way. I'm also going to share with you one of my favorite vegan cooked meals that I used to eat when I was a vegan."

      For foods to be considered raw, they cannot be cooked above 115-118 degrees to retain all its nutrients. My first weekly diet dairy was to help those who are transitioning to a vegan diet, along with showing them what I ate in a week as a raw foodists.

      Hope this helped answer your misunderstanding! Thank you! Hope you enjoy your nori if you decide to make it.


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