Sunday, December 9, 2012

About Me

Hi! My name is Miliany Bonet, and I am a 16 year old raw vegan teen chef, teenage blogger, teen entrepreneurresearcher, designer, author, writer, book publisher, teen mentor, and a homeschooler. I run three cool, epic raw vegan blogs. I am passionate about raw foods, and I want to motivate and inspire others to eat more raw fruits and vegetables into their diets. I love eating, reading, writing, traveling, exploring, creating, and spending time in the kitchen rawifying recipes with my dad (who is also a raw vegan). Creating guilt-free desserts and raw foods is like an art for me. It makes me happy, it's beautiful, fun and lot's of beauty comes through (just like art). My recipes are made with love and happiness. I strongly believe and know that healthy CAN be delicious!

My Vegan and Raw Journey:
I began my vegan journey in April 2012, at the age of 13. I was unhappy with my body and I knew I was fat, although I was told otherwise by my family and friends. I was insecure and not confident. I knew that junk, fast, commercial, processed foods were bad for my body. I was about around 100 pounds in third and fourth grade. I ate everything from pizza, soda, pasta, sandwiches, commercial foods, candy, my dinner plates would be like it was an adult large plate, and basically just junk foods. I had acne and every facial products/cremes I would apply on my face wouldn't work.

this is me on the SAD. this is how I used to look and this is an example on how my plates used to look. on the plate, it's brown rice, HALF banana (i know, how silly is that?!), cheesy spinach on top of meatballs. back then of course, i used to think that meal was healthy. now, i realize that what I thought was healthy, really wasn't healthy=( it's okay know because luckily i have been enlightened with the fountain of youth - FRUITS & VEGETABLES! anything that comes from nature really. i was fat in this picture, too. my cheeks are chubby and i had a stomach. i crossed my arms so i could cover my fat from my stomach. it was quite embarrassing for me. i wore XL sized t-shirts before as a meat-eater. my mom knew that, but she still told me i was skinny. i told my friend once that i was size XL, she was in shock and didn't believe me. she actually thought i was a size small or medium - but definitely not XL. 
Miliany Bonet meat eater plate

amercian hoagie
this is a meal on the SAD. i used to eat big meals like this when i was a carnivore. no wonder why i was so fat? oh, notice the vitamin pills? my family used to take one every day (including myself) just so we can "stay healthy". of course, we didn't know any better; we could get vitamins and minerals naturally from fruits & vegetables. oh, my old diet was quite SAD & typical. 
I confess, I used to be the biggest meat-eater in my house (I came in second place as my dad was also a big meat-eater). I used to eat meat for breakfast, lunch AND dinner. I couldn't finish a meal if it didn't have any meat. This used to drive my mom crazy....

Miliany Bonet holding her dog
Me as a meat-eater. 

Miliany Bonet fat
Big time meat-eater here!

Miliany Bonet fat and chubby
Me as a meat-eater

Miliany Bonet at the zoo
Me as a meat-eater in 2011

Miliany Bonet at the zoo
Me as a meat-eater in 2011.
Miliany Bonet fat
Me as a meat-eater on January 2012

Me on my first day vegan in 2012
Miliany Bonet vegan
Me a few weeks into the vegan diet in 2012.

Miliany Bonet as a vegan
Me on May 30, 2012 as a vegan.

I went through phases with my body weight. One day I knew (or so I thought) I was skinny. Then another day I would feel as if I was fat. My friends and family used to tell me and encourage me by telling me I'm not fat. I was told that so many times by people, that my body (brain) actually thought that I WAS skinny! I used to see myself in the mirror and look at my stomach. I used to tell myself, "I'm not fat, I'm skinny! I'm really not fat after all, especially since almost everybody I was around told me I was skinny!
One point in my life as a meat-eater, I was actually planning on going on a "diet." Well, I don't know what I was thinking, because EVERYBODY'S ON A DIET! But then... to be continued! (keep reading my story below)
My life changed miraculously! I had to make a change! And that change was to go vegan, and then go raw. 

My Face Acne Transformation:
When I was a meat-eater, I used to break out often, mostly after I ate sugar, butter, milk and any junk foods. I was not only insecure about my body and myself - I was insecure about my face, too! I used to want to wear makeup to school just to cover up my pimples. My mother used to tell me every time I broke out that it is completely 'natural' for teens to breakout. She would tell me that our bodies are going through phases, and the hormones is what messes teens up. My mom tried her best to make me 'feel better' about my face (and body image), but that never helped me a bit! I felt worse and worse inside. 

Luckily, I didn't suffer from really bad acne. I got small (sometimes big) pimples all over my face. I used to get blackheads, too. My mother used to tell me that the chocolate made me breakout. I'm a chocoholic. Always was, always will be. I love chocolate! But clearly, it wasn't the chocolates' fault for my acne. You see, it was the sugar and milk IN the chocolate that causes breakouts, NOT the chocolate! It's a myth when people say, "chocolate gives you acne". It's funny because my mom told me so many times that chocolate makes you breakout, and one time - I actually believed it! At one point, I DID blame chocolate for my acne. 

I remember when my pimples would pop up every week on my face. I never liked that (well who does, anyways?) and I wanted to do something about my face. My mom bought me these facial cremes that had like a hundred ingredients! The cremes we not doing my face, my body and the planet ANY good! Then, my mom suggested that I used Proactive. I used Proactive for about close to a month, and I was still getting pimples on my face! I have heard and seen on TV people's testimonials saying that Proactive really works, it's the only facial creme that will ever work, and blah, blah, blah. When I started using Proactive though, I was getting less pimples then usual, but pimples were still popping on my face. I told my mom that the products didn't really work for me. Then I started to think that all the Proactive testimonials were fake. Okay, maybe they are real, but for me - I didn't get any good results. 

Once going vegan, I started breaking out more then ever! I then quickly learned it was 'natural' this time, as I was detoxifying my body. After going raw, My acne pretty much started going away slowly. The more I detoxed, the pimples I would break. Then my face got really clear. That was really nice for me. Raw foods has healed my acne and I no longer get acne on my face. Raw foods really worked like a charm to heal my pimples, naturally! That amazes me. 
Here are my before and after pictures of my acne face. my face has been through a transformation, too! the 1st pic; the before pic was when i was a meat-eater. i was actually thinking into going vegan. my before pictures were taken in March, when I was still a carnivore, but thinking to try vegan foods, while the picture on the right (my after) is when i was a raw vegan.

Miliany Bonet's face acne before and after

take a look at both of the photos. do you notice a difference? my face looks way different than when i was a carnivore. in my after photo, my face looks clear and vibrant! Even my eyes are shining, too! ;) these pictures are great before and after pics. i wasn't wearing any makeup whatsoever. i love the glow that my face has, thanks to raw foods. my face is all natural. i am proud to say, i got rid of my acne threw the power of raw foods! You can, too!  
Miliany Bonet's acne pictures before and after

Miliany Bonet Before and After
My before and after photos! (Left picture) Me as a meat-eater; (right picture) me as a raw vegan.I weight 100 pounds in the image on the right. I lost 40 pounds on a raw foods diet! :)

I was born with a heart defect, which caused me to have open heart surgery as a baby. I had a weak, yet strong heart. Luckily, I didn't have heart disease, but I knew if I continued on the Standard American Diet (SAD) I might have gotten heart disease, heart attack, or maybe even a heart stroke. Sometimes, I would suffer from severe heart/chest pains, especially every time I would run. I used to think that exercise would make my heart worse, not knowing it was for the best. Now, I love exercising and running. I would also get headaches, I was moody, I was lazy to get out of bed in the morning, my eyes would hurt severely, and always getting sick every year. I knew that that wasn't the fun way to live life. Little did I know, that my decision to adapt a plant-based diet was a smart and life saving move.

raw vegan vegetable skeleton body
So, I was smart enough to adapt a vegan diet with my dad. I learned more and more about how becoming vegan is better for the animals, our health, and planet, as well. I was vegan for four months, then I took my vegan diet to the next level: raw vegan!

I became a raw vegan on August 16, 2012. My dad and I began learning and researching the vegan diet and came upon the raw vegan diet. We found these very inspirational raw vegans on YouTube: Kristina Carillo-Bucaram from FullyRaw and Rawfully Organic, Dan McDonald the Liferegenerator, Megan Elizabeth from Easy To Be Raw, and many other greats. So we were inspired to go raw. I became so inspired that I actually inspired and motivated my dad to go raw!

After coming off the vegan diet, I began noticing a change in my weight, the way I looked and felt. I lost a total of 40 pounds on a plant-based diet! I now have increased energy, more stamina, don't wake up tired anymore, I love to exercise and run, I run longer distances without getting tired, I wanted to be more closer to nature, I got stronger, my nails got stronger too (they no longer break or bend easily like before as a carnivore!), more love in my heart, and the list goes on and on. I look epic and I'm much slimmer than before. I no longer get chest pains, and my heart felt so much healthier. My eyes changed color to very light brown, almost an amber color. The black outer lining of my eyes changed from black to blue! I was amazed!

I have been a vegan for two years now (I became a vegan when I was 13 years old!), and then became raw that summer of 2012 (I became raw when I was 14! that same year [2012] I became raw!); I love it! I've seen miraculous changes in my life. I don't believe in counting calories and none of my recipes will provide the exact nutritional values. On this raw lifestyle, there is no need to! This lifestyle is so sweet!

me after a great run to the farm with my little dog (puppy)! 

me flexing my muscles after a workout!
miliany bonet muscles

Look at these muscles! 
miliany bonet muscles
Raw Vegan Teen: Young, Raw, Epic and Strong! 
Miliany Bonet's muscles

What I Eat in my Diet:
Personally, I do not like to call or give myself a title such as, "raw vegan" due to the fact that it makes me sound limited to what I eat in my diet. Most people will ask me if I'm allowed to eat this or that. Basically, I eat what I want to eat! No, really. Anything that is raw vegan, of course, I eat. I mean having that title, "raw vegan" is epic but I just personally don't want to sound limited on my eats. In most simplest form, I eat LIFE! I eat wholesome, live, enzyme rich foods because I love my body, the planet and the animals. It's as simple as that can get. I don't believe in counting calories, I simply eat when I'm hungry (which is every 3-4 hours). Yes, you heard me. I eat whenever I'm hungry. Epic, I know ;)

the counting calories days are OVER!

this lifestyle is so awesome! i love it. <3
fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, juice, desserts

I eat raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, legumes, and everything else nature has to offer. Read my post on what I eat in my diet. Just because I'm a raw vegan, doesn't mean my diet is boring and I don't enjoy food anymore. It is very fun, actually! When I was a carnivore (on the SAD), I used to love to bake. Baking was one of my favorite hobbies. I have always been great with following recipes, the only problem was I never knew why my cookies (or other baking treats) never turned out right. Oh wait... what can I expect if the ingredients I used were sugar, milk, eggs, butter, salt, flour, and basically processed foods that I DO NOT want in my body any longer. Now being a raw vegan (although, I do not bake any longer), I still find motivation threw baking recipes. "Why", you may ask? Simply because on this raw vegan living diet, I am able to think outside the box with my recipes. That's where creativity comes in! You see, I revamp old favorite, traditional recipes (which include the foods on the SAD and baking), and simply turn them into guilty free, deliciously epic, amazing masterpieces! That's were I get my motivation from - old, traditional, favorite recipes that I used to love (so at least I thought so anyways). You gotta have fun your kitchen! I have so much fun with foods, and honestly, when I make my raw food treats, it takes me back to my baking days - much even better! It's all about having fun with food! This lifestyle is really epic and I love it every day more and more.

I have a mega sweet tooth ever since I was a little girl. Luckily, that sweet tooth decided to stay with me all along because I still eat and enjoy the sweets and other foods that I used to enjoy like brownies, chocolate (I am a chocoholic;), cheesecake, cake, muffins, cupcakes, pizza, Mac n "cheese", "cheese", pasta, veggie burgers, ice cream, lasagna, and so much other great, delicious, healthy, and epic foods, that I can still enjoy; without sacrificing the taste and my health. I also strongly believe that I am what I eat, so therefore, I want to make sure what I eat, absorb and apply onto my skin and body is the same thing that I eat! I sure don't want to be made out of greasy McDonald's burgers, fries, pizzas, fast foods of all types (basically, anything on the SAD Diet). I do, however, I want to be made out of leafy, greens such as kale, spinach, creamy avocados, delicious coconuts, juicy kiwis, mangoes, bananas, sweet soft dates, and anything that comes raw from nature (basically, anything that is raw vegan; fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, desserts, and micro-greens!). I just enjoy them raw. I want to make sure that what I eat is safe (not only for my body, but for the animals & planet as well), vibrant, glorious, beautiful, makes me look and feel amazing, and gives me longevity. Eating a vegan and raw diet gave me the confidence I was looking for. Going vegan and raw was the BEST thing that has EVER happened to me AND my health! I am happier then ever now! I've never felt this AWESOME eating this way. Knowing that nothing was killed, suffered and was walking to go to my plate -- that's the best satisfaction I believe. Like my dad says, Raw foods is real foods!

miliany bonet brownies

My Mission:
I want to motivate and inspire (not convince) others to start incorporating more raw fruits and vegetables into their diets, and less cooked foods. Eating raw is fun and it is NOT boring at all. Trust me. Give it a try yourself. Your body will thank you. Raw vegan foods not only became a diet, but a lifestyle! Raw vegan living foods is the only diet that really, truly works for me. The improvements you will see are more then worth it, and will save your life :) There are so many great inspirational raw vegan stories out there. I want to prove that clean eating and raw living foods is the best way to eat, have optimal health, and more love in our hearts. I LOVE raw foods! I am very happy and proud of myself to have been enlightened at such a young age. I want to make an impact in someone's life. I hope I inspired and improved your day, along with your mood. Hope my story inspired you. Change your diet, change your life! ;) RAW VEGAN LIVING! =)

Miliany Bonet
Me as a raw vegan. Happy, slim and healthy! :)
Me as a vegan in June/July, 2012
P.S. Look threw my blog to see other 3 my blogs that I run. Please feel free to comment on anything, and surf threw my blogs to learn more about raw food basicsmy dietmy recipes and my fun adventures into the raw world. Enjoy your visits!

* I am building a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page for the blog, and I am needing questions. So if you have ANY questions for me, please contact me. I'll be more then happy to respond. If you have ANY questions you would like to ask me, or just have something nice to say, please feel free to email me or post a comment below. Thanks =)

Follow me & connect with me on TwitterYouTubeGoogle Plus and on Pinterest

Stay healthy & StRAWng! :)


  1. You are epic and a inspiration to so many! Proud of you!!

  2. I LOVE your story!! So inspiering!! And you are so young, but already so long into your journey! It makes me so happy!
    Im 25. I went veg when I was 12, then vegan when 18. And in my 20s I began to learn about raw vegan. Now Im almost all raw (still enjoy cooked veggies from time to time), and I looove my life and food!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Ragnhild! I'm so happy you found my story an inspiration, and that it makes you happy! :) It also makes me VERY happy to hear that as well;) You started your vegan journey at a young age, too. I LOVE this lifestyle - it's raw-mazing! =) <3

  3. You are an inspiration, lady! Keep it up. Wish I had discovered all the goodness of raw foods when I was younger!!

  4. Wow, a very great story! It's great to hear a story of a girl my age!!!

    1. Hi! Thank you so much!! So happy to hear that you found my story inspiring, considering you're my age!!! =)

  5. The photos of before and after of your skin, is a true testament to the power of raw foods. It's fantastic. I would love to go raw eventualyy. But I may have to start being a veg then vegan then raw. Which is probably what I will do. But well done to you.

  6. I was looking for information about Ranbutan on google and happened to stumble on your blog. The rest is history, I ended up reading your whole about me section. Wow, fantastic work. Thanks for sharing in detail your experience for healthy living and eating. You're a great role model.

  7. Your beautiful blog is uplifting and encouraging. I think you will inspire many to try healthy raw foods!

    1. Thank you so much, Tessa!! I have inspired many to eat healthy raw foods! :) x

  8. Hi Miliany, a few months ago I thought about going raw vegan and at that point you were very encouraging, but I was not in the correct frame of mind. Now after seeing your inspiring work on your blog, I bought myself a super blender and off I go now. Your blog is so inspiring. Thank you.

    1. Hi Tracey!

      Yes, I remember! Thank YOU!! I'm glad I can help and assist you in any way. So happy you find me and my blog an inspiration. I appreciate it. You're very welcome! So happy for you! :)


  9. I'm 21 and am always trying to challenge myself to eat well as often as I can (hard to do when you're in college!) I am super impressed and wish I knew to eat well at your age. You're awesome!

    1. Thank you so much! :)

      You can eat healthy when you're in college, and it isn't so hard. Kristina from FullyRaw made a video about eating fullyraw when in college: She talks about how she ate fullyraw with small college space, check out her video!

  10. You have really put a lot of work into this great website. Thanks for the inspiration and ideas on going Raw Vegan. I am not yet 100% there, but started by eating grapefruit from my garden, apples and berries from the health food store. I have lost 15 pounds so far, about one pound each week. I just bought some yellow beets and will try your recipe next...

    Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much! I am happy to share :) I'm so happy to hear that my blog has inspired you.

      Congrats on losing 15 pounds! Hope you like my juice recipe. Good luck on your journey! :)

  11. Truly Inspirational! God Bless you :-)

  12. Nice blog, keep up the good work. Looking forward to trying the cheddar hummus recipe.

    1. Thank you, Michele! I hope you try the cheddar/hummus recipe! Let me know how you liked it.

  13. Wonderful - I just perused the blog - It will take some time - but I could't resist to say thank you for wonderful collection about vegetarianism - My real comments would be after I go through the complete blog.

  14. Thank you!! I really appreciate that you took the time to leave me a wonderful comment! I look forward in reading more of your lovely comments. Enjoy reading through my entire blog! When you're done, you'll be very well informed and educated!

    All the best,

  15. Miliany Bonet,

    I new to raw vegan lifestyle. Yes I started my journey to raw vegetables. so I am just browsing for raw food ideas to follow. I am glad I saw your blog. It is inspiring. I started a blog to record my journey.



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